Preguntas divertidas
¿Te gusta mucho la serie Star Wars? ¿Te consideras un fan incondicional de La Guerra de las Galaxias? Coge tu sable láser, reúne a tus amigos y organiza un concurso virtual en un pub sobre estas 50 preguntas y respuestas de Star Wars para ver quién es el verdadero Jedi (o Sith).
Si quieres deslumbrar a tus amigos y actuar como un mago de la informática, utiliza un creador de concursos interactivos en línea para tu concurso en directo. Cuando creas tu quiz en una de estas plataformas, tus participantes pueden unirse y jugar con un smartphone, lo que sinceramente es bastante brillante.
1. Perdió el brazo derecho2. Temuera Morrison3. Su mano derecha4. Su fe en sus amigos5. Geonosis6. Rogue One: Una historia de Star Wars7. Una deuda de honor8. Era navegante en un carguero de especias9. Riyo Chuchi10. Bowcaster11. Darth Maul12. Más de 220 años13. Star Wars: El ataque de los clones14. Ewoks15. Rojo16. Aventuras de Luke Starkiller17. Kid18. Lando Calrissian con el Halcón Milenario19. Luke Skywalker con un Ala-X20. Bail Organa21. Sanidad22. «Obi-Wan… hay… bondad en él. Sé que lo hay «23. Noruega24. 2025. Poe Dameron
Cuestionario de conocimientos generales
¿Has visto Friends? ¿Crees que eres un fan incondicional de la serie Friends? ¿Por qué no pones a prueba tus conocimientos con nuestras preguntas y respuestas de Friends? Reúne a tus amigos en un pub virtual y veamos cuánto sabes sobre Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe y Joey.
Si quieres deslumbrar a tus amigos y actuar como un mago de la informática, utiliza un creador de concursos interactivos en línea para tu concurso de pub virtual. Cuando creas tu concurso en directo en una de estas plataformas, tus participantes pueden unirse y jugar con un smartphone, lo que sinceramente es bastante brillante.
1. Nueva York2. Un mono llamado Marcel3. Cocina4. Italia5. Amy Welsh6. Moondance Diner7. Huggsy8. Judy Jetson9. Gary Litman10. Smelly Cat11. Paleontólogo12. Su comida13. Muriel14. Joey Tribbiani15. Chanandler Bong16. Oh… Dios… mío17. Gunther18. Los Rembrandts19. Soldier20. Jack y Judy21. Regina Falange22. Sra. Whiskerson23. Xerox24. Nora Tyler Bing25. Macarrones con queso
26. 1027. Bloomingdales28. Richard29. Oftalmólogo30. Las Vegas31. Tag’ Jones32. Al Zebooker33. Sr. Heckles34. Elizabeth35. Bonnie36. ¿Tienes leche? 37. Charlie38. London39. Mike Hannigan40. 341. 1142. Un pulgar43. Joey44. Carol45. Pequeña armónica46. Eddie47. Mike48. Chandler49. LaPoo50. Albert Einstein
Pub trivia questions and answers pdf
Trivia is one of the most popular quiz games. Like other tools based on gamification, it is ideal for reviewing and practicing different subjects in multiplayer mode. Here are ten options that propose to learn following this game mechanics.
Suitable for people over 16, it poses questions that reflect the culture and trends that became popular between 2010 and 2020. It includes 1,800 questions to play individually or in teams of two to six people. The categories are inspired by the era of social networks, streaming, playlists, news and trending topics of the time.
It allows you to compete with friends, family and people from all over the world and, at the same time, learn about art, sports, science and more. The operation is simple: after spinning the roulette wheel, the app asks a question about one of its six categories that the user must answer correctly in order not to lose the turn. If he gets three consecutive questions right, he gets a character, which he can also snatch from his opponent by challenging him to a duel. The winner is the one who gets all six characters.
Pub quiz sporcle
Generally, someone (either a bar employee or the person running the quiz) goes around the tables with pens and quiz papers. These may contain questions or simply be blank sheets on which to write the answers. It is common for them to be a combination of both, in which case, often, only the blank sheet needs to be handed in. Usually, each team submits its answers to the manager or the next team.
There can be anywhere from one to more than half a dozen rounds of questions, totaling anywhere from 10 to more than 80 questions. The rounds may be of the following types (the first are the most common):
In some quizzes, teams may select one or two rounds as wildcards, in which their points are doubled (or multiplied). Teams usually select their wildcard rounds prior to the start of the contest, although some rounds may be excluded. Teams that consider themselves particularly strong on certain topics can improve their chances with a good double round, but risk losing their wildcard if the questions are unexpectedly difficult. The idea of using a joker in a game may have come from the BBC’s It’s a Knockout television program.