Lluís Vicent-Concert Pub Asesino (Valencia) part 2
The second, a Justice official who was strangled from behind while she was walking her dog and whose body was found in the district of La Hoya in Elche. DNA samples found at the scene have been the key to solving both cases.
Apparently, after committing these crimes the perpetrator returned to his country, where he was arrested for a new murder and has been admitted to a psychiatric penitentiary. It is not known if he suffers from any specific pathology, but investigators assume that the man’s mental health is related to the attacks.
The pictures show a thin, bald man wearing sunglasses and dressed in a striped T-shirt and denim shorts, who appears to be running away from the scene. The investigators, with the required judicial authorization, requested last summer the collaboration of citizens to identify the attacker.
Plantón en rechazo al asesinato de Nickol por un celular
Natalya Solonynka es la mitad de la pareja que posee y regenta el fabuloso pub de estilo inglés de Ruzafa, Liverpool Bar, junto con el marido valenciano Amadeo García. Eugene Costello fue a hablar con ella sobre su extraordinario llamamiento para ayudar a sus compatriotas en Ucrania…
Anoche partió de Valencia un convoy de camiones con suministros de emergencia muy necesarios para los compatriotas de Natalya. Natalya me cuenta que cuando vuelvan de vacío, tras haber depositado los paquetes, el plan es seguir adelante. Esta «guerra» (léase «invasión») no muestra signos de detenerse. Hoy mismo se ha anunciado el desplazamiento de cuatro millones de refugiados ucranianos, mientras Rusia tiene en su punto de mira la mayor central nuclear de Europa.
Rusia tomó el control de la mayor central nuclear de Europa en Ucrania tras bombardearla sin descanso. Y los civiles están siendo bombardeados y ametrallados en escenas que recuerdan a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La necesidad humanitaria es inmensa.
La situación en Ucrania podría convertirse en «la mayor crisis de refugiados de Europa en lo que va de siglo», con más de 600.000 refugiados que se cree que han huido de Ucrania a países vecinos hasta el momento», declaró esta semana la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (ACNUR).
Skeptics in the Pub» Discussion in Valencia, Spain.
Guilty of three crimes of murder for killing Marta Calvo, Arliene Ramos and Lady Marcela Vargas, without any possibility of defense, assuming the possibility that introducing high purity cocaine vaginally could cause their death, as well as attempting to kill six other women -in the case of the seventh, the prosecution did not charge for this crime-. In addition, in all cases the crime of sexual abuse and the aggravating circumstance of male chauvinism were also found. This is the verdict handed down by the popular jury against Jorge Ignacio P. J., who thus becomes the biggest male chauvinist serial criminal and who, with this verdict, would face three sentences of permanent revisable imprisonment for three murders together with two crimes against sexual freedom, also considered to have been proven.
It has been proven that the accused, by introducing cocaine vaginally or anally to his victims without their consent, exceeded the previously agreed sexual practice, thus attacking their sexual freedom. Hence, he is considered guilty of ten crimes of sexual abuse.
The vinyl killer live @ KILLING TIME (Valencia)
The murder in 1990 of Myrna Mack Chang, a prominent Guatemalan anthropologist, after weeks of meticulous tracking by an Army commando belonging to the Presidential General Staff -a crime closely related to her pioneering academic research work on the refugee and displaced population during the Guatemalan internal armed conflict- represents not only the violation of the most basic of human rights, the right to life, but also the symbol of an era of impunity and repression where certain activities and opinions were considered by the State’s security organs as an attempt against National Security.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – hereinafter the Commission – is an organ of the Organization of American States created to promote the observance and defense of the human rights enshrined in the American Convention on Human Rights, to which Guatemala has been a party since 1978. The Commission is authorized by the Convention to process petitions containing allegations or complaints of violations of the rights set forth in the Convention by a State party to the Convention.